Monday, 23 November 2009

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: terrorist level controversy

From the Beeb:
Mr Vaz's disquiet centres around one section in which undercover [CIA-sponsored, USA] soldiers pose as terrorists and are asked to help shoot civilians. Footage of the section caused controversy when it was leaked onto the internet.

His objections must be because it's completely unrepresentative of what modern warfare's actually like: after all, the USA has never helped terrorists, nor directly killed civillians, and they've definately never even considered false-flagging as terrorists for any reason, ever; and even if they had, that kind of behaviour would certainly be all in the past.

OK, so Kieth Vas, Labour MP for Leicester East, apparently doesn't like violent video games (and, incidentally, didn't come out squeaky-clean from the expenses scandal), but I wonder if he realises that he's trying to censor an accurate — albeit unrepresentative — portrayal of exactly how America has (and still does?) behave in war, and if he fully understands the consequences of not allowing us to be exposed to the concept that our main ally could behave in such a way?

Which, intentionally or otherwize, is often the consequence of censorship: it reduces the number of people who have certain objectionable (to the State) ideas in their head...

On the other hand, it's nice to see the non-whiners getting their own pressure group, complete with supporting (founding) MP (Tom Watson, Labour MP for West Bromwich East; who, incidentally, also didn't come out well in the expenses scandal).

The video clip in question can be found here for now, but in case the clip is taken down, look here

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