Sunday, 22 November 2009

Democracy in action

From the Beeb:
In his conference speech, Mr Brown said Labour would hold a referendum "early" in the next Parliament on proposals for an alternative vote system.
Nice to know they admit there's a problem. But, why would they offer to fix the system that grants them total control half the time, and denies all but one other party the chance of ever winning?

From here:
The [parliamentary prospective candidates] argued that holding a vote on reform would see hundreds of Liberal Democrat voters switch to Labour, more stay-at-home Labour supporters coming out to vote, and every Tory opponent trying to explain why David Cameron would not give the electorate a say.
So, to win the election basically.

Well, I guess that's Democracy In Action: we want something so they have to give it to us in order to get elected :-)

From the Beeb again:
They have also queried the timing of a referendum, pointing out that Labour never followed through on a commitment to a referendum on electoral reform in its 1997 manifesto.
Oh, that's right, there's absolutely nothing to force them to actually do what they promise to do :-(

Our 'choice', then, is between:
  • Labour — a party that probably won't actually change the electoral system
  • Conservatives — a party that doesn't want to change the electoral system
  • Lib Dem — a party that wants to change the electoral system, but, because of the electoral system, wont win
Democracy In Action!

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